ITCC Office
The ITCC Office is responsible for the daily activity of the organisation and coordinate/support the activities of the different Committees of ITCC. The ITCC Office report to the ITCC President.
ITCC Office
Carole Lecinse
Director of Operations
Carole Lecinse has formerly worked in both pharmaceutical industry and public research. She had gained some specific experience in the field of clinical scales and PROs copyrights in a Danish pharmaceutical company specialised in CNS diseases before joining the ITCC Consortium in December 2012. She is now the Director of Operations within the organisation, coordinating the different activities with the ITCC President.
Melkire Drareni
Administrative Assistant
Melkire Drareni previously worked in several law firms and pharmaceutical companies as a trilingual assistant. She joined ITCC in 2021 to mainly support the Education and Training Committee and assist the Director of Operations in various activities.